Voice Over WiFi – The Change Function Test
In his usual talk-from-experience style, Om Malik More...
« June 2006 | Main | August 2006 »
In his usual talk-from-experience style, Om Malik More...
My favorite quote from the review:
Back in the old days when telephony was the province of national monopolies, domestic prices were usually regulated and regulators are subject to political pressure to keep prices down.  More...
AT&T Universal Card sent me a letter saying they were going to rip me off and that’s what I was going to blog about this morning. But, at least according to my online statem More...
Regulation is essential to capitalism. I’m damned near a libertarian and certainly a capitalist but I do believe SOME forms of targeted regulation are necessary – even though al More...
George Bush is very right on the war in Lebanon. He deserves to have that said. Policy discussions should be separated from politica More...
In an irony not lost on its author, Chris Anderson’s book More...
Three good stories tipped by Om Malik today showing that there is SOME competition in the US telecom marketplace.