Goggle CSE Experiment #3 – Please Set Up Co-op Profile
I’m having to reject some of the people who sign up as volunteers for my open custom search engine because they do not have a Google Co-op profile. In this case, I have no way to tie them to their contributions. Don’t care who they really are but need some way to eliminate those who spam.
IT’S NOT ENOUGH JUST TO HAVE A GOOGLE PROFILE. I know this is braindead but it’s the way Google Co-op works. Once you’ve registered for Google Co-op (perhaps as part of the process of volunteering to add to the Fractals of Change Reader Choice CSE), go to http://www.google.com/coop/manage/cse/profile and set up your Co-op profile BEFORE completing the process of volunteering to work on CSE. You may find it simpler to go to that Google URL first and sign up for Co-op there, then come back and volunteer.