Fractals of Change: April 2008

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19 posts from April 2008

April 30, 2008

JavaScript or PHP – Why It Sometimes Matters

It's all about whose computing power gets used – yours the application provider or yours the end user. If you're the user, you probably don't care since you are waiting for your browser to show you something in either case and you already paid for your computer. If you're the application develope More...

April 29, 2008

Vista Misery and Mysteries

Wasn't planning to install Vista on my new Toughbook CF-30 because it's been hard to deal with on Mary's new HP; but I did and now have both some misery and an Internet Explorer protected mode mystery which I'd be glad for nerd help with.

I liked the fact that the new Toughbook came with More...

April 28, 2008

Why Old Computers Get Slow

My Toughbook CF-29, bought back in 2004 when I left the corporate world and expected to spend many days in physically tough places, has been getting slow. Mouse clicks and resulting actions are increasingly far apart. Windows open blank and don't fill in for eons. Programs go into non-responding More...

April 27, 2008

Testing Office 2007

Meant to start this series on moving to a new computer (gulp) and upgrading to Office 2007 (gulp, gulp) and Vista Pro (GULP!) in an orderly way with a post on how computers get old and slow. But when I told the new Microsoft Word that comes with Office 2007 that I wanted to create a new document, More...

April 24, 2008

Vermont Files in Support of Using White Space for Mobile Broadband Access

The Vermont Public Service Department and the Vermont Telecommunications Authority have joined in an More...

April 22, 2008

Auditioning for New Roles

Below I am practicing to supplant pigs and toasters as a screensaver.


April 21, 2008

Cordless or Wireless? Good Question

We don’t do spring here in Vermont so now it’s summer although there’s still plenty of snow gleaming in the mountains. Time for me to work outside (at least until we get our obligatory late season snowstorm).

< More...

April 20, 2008

What Would Success Look Like in Iraq?

How about an end to private militias? That’s pretty important to the kind of success in Iraq that lets most American troops leave knowing that they’ve helped make the world a safer place. How about a Shiite-led government More...

April 18, 2008

FeedBlitz, Gawker Media, and Amazon S3

FeedBlitz (in which I’m an investor and board member)More...

April 16, 2008

Third Life: Social Networking Breakfast with Jeff Pulver

“It’s like Facebook only it’s not online,” someone at Jeff Pulver’s social networking breakfast in Tel Aviv More...

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