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November 05, 2008

Election Congratulations

Barack Obama ran two back-to-back sensational campaigns. Although I didn't vote for him, I'd be very happy to be proven wrong. We need a successful President. He has many attributes like intelligence, eloquence, and calm which could be ingredients for that success; he inspires enthusiasm. He has a majority which makes very clear whom Americans intended to elect. He does face tough times but there have been worse. Anyway, we're all in this together so congratulations and good luck to President-elect Obama.

Also congratulations to Vermont's Republican Governor Jim Douglas who has apparently gotten well over the required 50% of the vote in this bluest of states despite running against both a Democrat and a surprisingly strong independent. Vermont's electoral votes were the first three awarded to Obama by CNN's computers; but independent Vermonters rewarded Douglas' calm and achievements despite the nationally sullied Republican brand.

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