Fractals of Change: April 2011

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17 posts from April 2011

April 12, 2011

AT&T “Freeloading” on ISP Pipes

AT&T, on whose network Mary's iPhone usually runs, just gave us a free microcell so that we can take cellular traffic off their network and put that same traffic on the network of our local ISP, while still paying AT&T for voice minutes and data bytes. This is an enormous irony consid More...

April 11, 2011

DVR Dies; Wii and Netflix to the Rescue

"If rebooting doesn't work, call customer service" is what the diagnostic on the blue screen says. Rebooting doesn't revive the DVR, so I call. Mary and I have already settled int More...

April 07, 2011

Cutting the Cord; Dismounting the Dish

A young friend and his family just disconnected their FairPoint landline, which they had been using for voice and DSL, and took down their Directv satellite dish; total gross savings: over $100/month. They replaced all of this with a Verizon cell phone he bought at the VZW store, which came with More...

April 06, 2011

We Can’t Have All the Medical Care We Want

Doesn't matter whether we pay out-of-pocket, buy private insurance, are "insured" by the government, or whether medical care is "free" – eg. paid for by someone else. Unless we have unlimited wealth, we can't have unlimited health care. That's just a simple fact of More...

April 05, 2011

Read Rep. Ryan on His Budget Plan

You don't need a subscription to the Wall Street Journal to read Rep, Paul Ryan's excellent op ed there describing his budget plan. I've quoted some of it More...

April 04, 2011

Rep. Ryan’s Budget: Change You Can Believe In

Any politician who claims federal spending can be brought under control without substantial changes to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security is at least ignorant and, if not ignorant, lying; but most Republicans campaigned on a platform of reduced budgets and ignored or denied the need to cut t More...

April 01, 2011

Post Stimulus, States Are Where the Action Is

Unlike the Federal government, states can't print money. All states except Vermont are required by their constitutions to have balanced budgets (not counting pension obligations); and Vermont, justifiably proud of its triple A bond-rating, keeps its budget balanced as well (not counting pension o More...

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