Fractals of Change: July 2011

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12 posts from July 2011

July 27, 2011

DIY Medical Records in the Cloud

Burlington Prosthodontist Dr. Bentley Merrick made me teeth much better than the ones I'd grown on my own. At the end of the two-and-a-half year process, he emailed me a set of x-rays and pictures showing how the whole structure is put together and the special tools he made to screw teeth in More...

July 26, 2011

Reader Question: What Does the End of the PSTN Mean for DSL?

Customers are abandoning the PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) for wireless and VoIP communication. The TAC (Technical Advisory Council) to the FCC (Federal Communication Commissi More...

July 24, 2011

Thank You, Duncan Brown

"It was a cold wet night on the North Atlantic," Duncan Brown told Mary and me; "I was a gunnery officer on a destroyer escorting a convoy through U-Boat hunting grounds. I had a night watch; the rain dripped down the back of my slicker; the coffee was awful; and I wondered whether More...

July 19, 2011

Small Screen as Swiss Army Knife


Somewhere in the dark grass beyond the lights of the wedding tent our granddaughter had lost her shoe. She cried in her mother's arms to let us know it was past her bed time. "I think there's a flashlight in my bag in the car," Mary said. The More...

July 15, 2011

Telecom 2018 Guest Post by Dan Berninger

The post below is by Dan Berninger who was one of the most important people behind the early spread of VoIP. Dan understands telecom like almost no one else. Opinions in this post are Dan's alone, but Dan's opinions are always worth listening to.

Dan's post:

Organiz More...

July 14, 2011

Interview on Common Sense Radio


4-01 CSR- 7-7-11, Tom Evslin

Last wee More...

Austerity Program for Banks

Stories in both the New York Times and Wall Street Journal said that European leaders are determined to stand behind any banks which fail their stress tests or are brought low by their holdings of Greek debt. The same leaders have not quite resolved how to deal with Greek debt d More...

July 12, 2011

Business Card with QR Code

That funny black and white pattern on the top of my new business card is called a QR (Quick Retrieval) code. Think of it as a two dimensional succ More...

July 11, 2011

Reader Objection: The PSTN is Better than Wireless or VoIP

Last week I posted on a recommendation by the Technical Advisory Council (TAC) to the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) that the FCC set More...

July 05, 2011

I Was Wrong and Sloppy to Blame Safari on the iPad for Viewing Problems

I was sloppy in my debugging and wrong to blame Safari on the iPad for problems we had viewing web pages on that device in my post The Empress' New iPad. Although iPad, as is well known, doesn't sup More...

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