Mary Meets Steve Jobs
February, 1984: Big Brother is not in power but Apple’s famous Big Brother ad did run during the SuperBowl. Also their less famous ad in which an endl More...
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February, 1984: Big Brother is not in power but Apple’s famous Big Brother ad did run during the SuperBowl. Also their less famous ad in which an endl More...
At 1:36PM yesterday the lights went out for 1103 members of Vermont Electric Coop (VEC) in South Hero, including us at our summer place on the Lake. No surprise; tropical storm Irene was raging up Vermont. No need to call VEC in a panic, though; I could see immediately from More...
"Geologists Sharply Cut Estimate of Shale Gas" is the headline of a New York Times story today on a report from the United States Geological Survey (USGS).
"USGS boosts amount of More...
We've heard the argument a million times:
Farmers: "Americans just won't take these jobs."
Proponents of stricter immigration enforcement: "It's unconscionable to allow these foreigners to take American jobs at a time of high unemployment."
Twenty years of major construction projects are bottled up in regulatory queues. If the time in queue were shortened to a maximum of two years, we'd have a flood of new construction AND much of the infrastructure we need to be competitive in the globalized years ahead. No subsidies from the defic More...
Program: Energy for jobs
Idea: We can make Vermont attractive to manufacturing with a combination of our great workforce and energy which is cheap (and clean) by East Coast standards. Manufacturing provides jobs for all skill levels and is an engine for economic growth in general. Low cost More...
The solar hot water equipment being installed at the Highgate "affordable-housing" (subsidized housing) complex in Barre is a good use of our tax dollars whether looked at from an economic, environmental, or plain old good-governance point of view. According to More...
Is the price Vermonters pay for solar electricity too high and counter-productive? Or are the subsidies from ratepayers and taxpayers necessary to save the environment and the economy? I asserted "way too high" in a More...
"It's time to go big or be sent home," says Andy Kessler writing in The Wall Street Journal. He continues with six big ideas, none of wh More...