Fractals of Change: March 2020

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5 posts from March 2020

March 16, 2020

Don’t Bail Out the Oil Industry (or the Banks)

Economic justice and capitalist principles agree.

We need relief for the people who are laid off or can’t work because the schools are closed and their children More...

March 13, 2020

It’s Time for Mandatory Vaccinations

Even though there’s no vaccine for COVIX-19 yet, it’s important to reduce all burdens on the medical system which may soon be overwhelmed with coronavirus cases. State governments should change their laws to eliminate philosophical and religious exemptions for those vaccinations which are already More...

March 09, 2020

Live on WDEV

Tomorrow morning (March 10)  at 11AM ET I'll be on WDEV (96.1 FM, 550 AM) in VT with Bill Sayre discussing plant-based strategies for CO2 drawdown and the surprising silence about the More...

Good Climate News Travels Very Slowly

Back on February 11, the International Energy Agency (IEA) put out a press release with the headline: “Defying expectations of a rise, global carbon dioxide emissions flatlined More...

March 02, 2020

Trees v. Solar Panels

How would you best spend a million dollars if your goal is to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG)? Trees or solar panels?

One million dollars buys about two acres of solar panels installed. Two acres of solar panel More...

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