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August 09, 2024

Republicans Fell for Democrat’s Brilliant (Unintentional) Head Fake

Now Rs have the wrong player at bat.

Screenshot 2024-08-09 150316

Year-ago polls said that lots of Republican could beat Biden but that Biden had his best chance if Trump was his opponent. Also looked like Trump’s best chance was against Biden. The Ds decided to anoint Biden, who had moved to the Bernie-left on many issues, and did all they could to spare him the effort, risk, and exposures of a competitive primary. Legal moves against Trump, some clearly political, were a win-win for the Ds because they strengthened Trump in the Republican primaries while potentially weakening him in the general election. Rs, angered by the lawfare and the arrogance of the woke left, took the bait and nominated Trump, believing that his opponent would be beatable Biden.

And then there was the debate. Ds hadn’t had their convention so they still had time for a roster change. Joe, thank you for your service in the last four innings. Unfortunately the bases are loaded and we can’t risk you giving up the big one. We’re bringing in Kamala from the bullpen.

Trump twists himself in a pretzel trying to hit her first pitch. Predictably, he disputes the umpire’s call. She looks a lot better than when she came up from the minor leagues four years ago. She’s grinning at him from the plate and he’s frowning furiously back. Kamala then throws ball one to the left of the plate because she feels she needs support from the left of her party.

The game has changed but it’s hardly over. Neither candidate has made a solid move to the reasonable center although Trump has changed on abortion and Kamala has said she won’t ban fracking or cut off arms to Israel. Rs don’t have any path to changing their batter.  Kamala, especially after her concession to the left, has room to move solidly towards the center.  She could:

  1. Make clear that border enforcement is necessary and a goal.
  2. Support relatively clean American extraction of fossil fuels (including pipelines) to bloodlessly crush the petro economies of Russia and Iran and aid the economies of the US and our European allies.
  3. Praise the necessary Ukrainian incursion into Russia with American weapons; “wars are over when the good guys win”. Trump is vulnerable on Putinphilia.
  4. Give a harsh warning to Iran that they will be attacked when their proxies attack US troops or Israel.

I’m not voting until election day. The game is changing too fast.

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