274 posts categorized "CEO View"

December 12, 2011

Doing Good by Doing Well

"I'm hoping to get a job with a non-profit."

"I'll probably have to work in industry for a while, but then I plan to start a non-profit."

"I want to find a business with a triple bottom line."

"We're developing a video game that'll teach people not to be sexist."

"Once More...

August 05, 2011

Don’t Watch The Dow!

Watching the day to day movement of my company's stock was one of the worst mistakes I and many other CEOs made. The Chief Executive of the US shouldn't make that mistake. Neither should our Board of Directors (aka Congress). Ben Bernanke should know better but doesn't. He took credit More...

April 18, 2011

Bill Gates and I: 60 Milliseconds on 60 Minutes

Billg was berating a group of us. "Somebody's confused. Somebody just doesn't understand. You guys are all wrong. I'm not going to use this thing!" The camera cuts to me looking dour, then back to Bill. The episode is part of a More...

January 04, 2011

Too-Big-To-Fail Goldman Buys Facebook Share

As a former founder and CEO of a public company, I understand why Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg wants to raise money without taking his company public. During the dot.com bubble ten years ago, many companies, including mine, went public too soon – most before they were profitable, some before More...

February 24, 2009

When Angels Fear to Tread

It's the lack of exits that's a problem amid the deadly clamp of panic throughout the economy - a far cry from the irrational exuberance that drives entrepreneurs (and their investors) and which brings us trouble and fraud as well as greatness and "slumdog millionaires".

No matter how mu More...

February 23, 2009

A VC Says No to VC bailout

"Thanks but no thanks" is Fred Wilson's prompt response to Tom Friedman's column suggesting that $20 billion in bailout funds be More...

February 17, 2009

Internet Services Worth Paying For

Can you charge for your new Internet service? You're always up against the expectation that Internet services are free. Moreover, you won't grow as fast if you charge as you will if you give something away. On the other hand, a service has to be very large and have lots and lots of hits (or be do More...

February 06, 2009

Pay Caps are Overdue

A free market demands pay caps for those who have been insulated from failure. Should've been in the bank bailout bill from the beginning (although there shouldn't hav More...

February 04, 2009

Advice to Entrepreneurs – In Lieu of Capital

Programming contracts can fund development of your breakthrough product when no one else will; and contracts are a good way to keep eating while you pursue your dream. This strategy takes more patience than would be needed if you could get angel or venture funding to pay you (and any associates) More...

February 03, 2009

Advice to Entrepreneurs from What Would Google Do

My friend and sometimes colleague Hardeep asked:

"… the lists of details for each of those features keep getting longer and longer. If I ignore all the features I want, I will be nowhere close to where my com More...

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