44 posts categorized "E-State"

July 11, 2010

Vermont Broadband Stimulated with $45.6 Million

The US Commerce Department recently announced that Vermont was awarded two broadband stimulus grants totaling $45,649,894 for "comprehensive community infrastructure". These awards should assure that Vermont achieves its e-state goal of going from broadband laggard to broadband leader. The projec More...

April 04, 2010


One of the themes of the executive response to Challenges for Change, Vermont's effort to deliver better government at a sustainable cost, is greatly increased use of the web for service delivery. Online forms and online information mean better service for those who are already used to shoppi More...

March 07, 2010

The e-state; More for Less

Technology can make government both more effective and much cheaper to operate. Does this sound too good to be true? It's not; it's a fact.

Bureaucracies in the private and the public sector were designed around bureaus, places that records were kept. It used to be that you had to More...

February 15, 2010

Fiber to the Neighborhood

The Vermont Telecommunications Authority (VTA) has asked the Vermont State Legislature for $5 million dollars of capital for "middle mile" infrastructure; the request was included in Governor Jim Douglas proposed capital budget. If appropriated, t More...

January 31, 2010

Should Vermont Pay for Broadband Deployment?

"Does extending broadband access to the last unserved 5% of Vermonters really stimulate economic development?" one Vermont senator asked.

"Why should the State provide money to make that happen?" asked another senator.

Two good questions at a time when Vermont More...

January 10, 2010

Backroads Broadband

We ARE going to get there from here. The Backroads Broadband Program, which was proposed by Governor Jim Douglas in his State of the State address to the legislature last week, is aimed at making broadband a More...

November 15, 2009

Vermont, Challenged and Stimulated

Now, when recovery from the worldwide recession is beginning, Vermont has an opportunity to emerge with a stronger economy, a cleaner environment, a broader tax base, and better jobs than we had before the downturn. We also face the enormous challenges of far too many Vermonters out of work, a st More...

October 18, 2009

Vermont’s Broadband Recommendations

Which broadband grant applicants does Vermont like or not like? That's the question the National Telecommunications and Information Administr More...

September 06, 2009

Broadband Stimulus in Vermont

Grants.gov kept crashing on August 14, the deadline for submitting applications for broadband stimulus funding; not to worry, the feds extended the deadline by six days – and even then had to allow submission of attachments to the application on CD by mail since their systems weren't yet stab More...

August 09, 2009

Vermont Utilities Unite to Seek $66 Million in Smart Grid Funding

All 20 Vermont electric distribution utilities (the people you buy electricity from); the transmission utility, VELCO, which brings electricity to them; and the efficiency utility, Efficiency Vermont, whose role is to reduce demand, have united to design a single $133 million plan for implementat More...

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