7 posts categorized "finance"

July 14, 2011

Austerity Program for Banks

Stories in both the New York Times and Wall Street Journal said that European leaders are determined to stand behind any banks which fail their stress tests or are brought low by their holdings of Greek debt. The same leaders have not quite resolved how to deal with Greek debt d More...

January 04, 2011

Too-Big-To-Fail Goldman Buys Facebook Share

As a former founder and CEO of a public company, I understand why Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg wants to raise money without taking his company public. During the dot.com bubble ten years ago, many companies, including mine, went public too soon – most before they were profitable, some before More...

December 13, 2009

Why We Can Succeed

After Governor Douglas' press conference last week, there was the usual scrum of reporters and administration officials in the hallway of the fifth floor of the Pavilion Building in Montpelier. The Governor had just said that Vermont cannot and must not sit around waiting for another Stimulus More...

January 21, 2009

Fiat Deal Values Chrysler at Less Than Zero

Fiat won't accept a 35% stake in Chrysler unless the US adds another $3 billion to the $4 billion we've already "lent" to the "US" automaker, according to a story in the Wall Street Journal. Fiat isn't going t More...

January 11, 2009

Past Performance Is Not an Indication of Future Results

You don't need to invest in a Ponzi scheme to lose all your money; most arbitrage strategies will get you sooner or later.

Let's say there's this absolutely fair and honest and even profitable investment. You, of course, do some diligence and find that the investment has returned .6% per More...

January 06, 2009

Deflation May Be the New Normal

Deflation has been the rule in high tech ever since I first programmed a multi-million dollar IBM 7090 forty-seven years ago which had less computing power than my current $100 watch. We high-techies have learned that we have to double the usefulness of what we sell every eighteen months if we wa More...

January 05, 2009

The Cost of Zero Percent Financing

If we’ve learned anything in the last year, it’s that we don’t get anything for nothing. If it’s good, it probably won’t stay good. If it’s too good to be true, it’s probably a trap. So what about zero financing? Now that we’ve bailed out both GM and GMAC, the latter is offer More...

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