38 posts categorized "Novel"

January 04, 2011

Too-Big-To-Fail Goldman Buys Facebook Share

As a former founder and CEO of a public company, I understand why Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg wants to raise money without taking his company public. During the dot.com bubble ten years ago, many companies, including mine, went public too soon – most before they were profitable, some before More...

February 26, 2009

Kindle for Authors

Kindle ought to be the answer to an author's dream But, for now, it is an almost insurmountable marketing challenge. Read on to learn what I'm trying

No expensive software or hardware is needed to create a Kindle book. Assuming you can write to begin with, you can create a book wi More...

February 10, 2009

Kindle’ll Win Because Content is King

Stephen King's novella UR will be available exclusively on Kindle for at least a while as part of the introduction of Kindle 2. Mainstream content by famous authors is unlikely to stay exclusive to the device, but this marketing approach gives a hint of what's to come. Many of us will "n More...

January 31, 2009

Author’s Nightmare


12,000 pounds of books; six tons; eight pallets with three layers each containing 14 boxes; each box weighs 37 pounds and has 14 books in it. If you're doing the math you know that one pallet wasn't full. More...

December 26, 2007

Kindle – Book Reader’s Review

Amazon’s Kindle e-book reader came and got buried among the holiday packages. But it emerged from post-holiday pile o More...

December 18, 2007

Nice Review

Steve Rucinski, executive producer of Small Business Trends Radio posted a very nice r More...

November 20, 2007

Kindle – Free Internet Browsing for Just $400

Both this blog, Fractals of ChangeMore...

August 08, 2007

BookTour.com and Amazon

BookTour.com, More...

July 18, 2007

Chat Groups

Any exCEO understands the temptation to participate in Yahoo chat groups which Whole Foods CEO John Mackey More...

July 15, 2007


BookTour.com debuted last week as a web solution to a real world problem: book tours don’t work well (in fact, hardly work More...

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