87 posts categorized "Personal"

March 13, 2017

Fair Warning in the Desert

A racket overloaded my hearing aids. It sounded mechanical at first but I was in the McDowell Sonoran Preserve reslinging my pack after a snack and getting ready for the last long uphill of the day; nothing mechanical there. Then atavism overcame analysis and instinct recognized the sound. The ra More...

March 03, 2017

The Differences between Camel’s Hump, VT and Camelback, AZ


February 01, 2017

Tough Love in China

Recently I visited my 18-month old grandson and his parents in Lanzhou, China. The sign below is from the playground school he goes to a couple of times each week.


March 22, 2012

Back to Business

Retirement's over; I've been working on a new business. That's why I haven't been blogging for a while; startups are all-consuming.

NG Advantage LLC delivers natural gas "beyond the pipeline." Starting in early 2013 we'll truck compressed natural ga More...

December 04, 2011

The Latest on Speeding Neutrinos

Son Jarah was interviewed last week on CRI, China's English-Language equivalent of the BBC. The subject was the possible evidence of neutrinos traveling faster than the speed of light, which came from an experiment at CERN. Here's the show description from CRI:


September 18, 2011

Great Docs and Technology Saved My Life Thursday

"You flunked the stress test," was the essence of the call Tuesday morning. I'd thought I aced it. "Don't do anything you don't have to. We'll get you in to see a ca More...

January 01, 2011

Reaction to Confessions of a Stimulator

Wall Street Journal publication of the lead article from my "Confessions of a Stimulator" More...

December 03, 2010

Getting Back Online

You don't want to be without your computer at the Hyatt Regency O'Hare; my computer was stolen the day before in a smash and grab. The hotel has a business center, which is run by FedEx; the charge for using a sl More...

December 01, 2010

Blog Blocked by Breakin

Shards of shattered window glistened on the asphalt and on the backseat where my laptop bag shouldn't have been so conspicuous. The bag was gone, of course, and with it the laptop, extra batteries, several cables and chargers, a mouse, a USB multiport, my Garmin watch and chest strap, miscell More...

November 11, 2010

Confessions of a Stimulator

I was Vermont's "Stimulus czar", a fascinating position to have after retiring from a career as a high-tech entrepreneur. As Chief Recovery Officer, I had an excellent inside view of the working and non-workings of the Stimulus Bill (formally "American Reinvestment and Recover More...

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