7 posts categorized "Short Stories"

February 10, 2009

Kindle’ll Win Because Content is King

Stephen King's novella UR will be available exclusively on Kindle for at least a while as part of the introduction of Kindle 2. Mainstream content by famous authors is unlikely to stay exclusive to the device, but this marketing approach gives a hint of what's to come. Many of us will "n More...

November 20, 2007

Kindle – Free Internet Browsing for Just $400

Both this blog, Fractals of ChangeMore...

August 08, 2007

BookTour.com and Amazon

BookTour.com, More...

June 18, 2007

New Excerpt from The Interpreter's Tale


May 22, 2007

Amazon Shorts Restricted To USA

Loyal hackoff.com reader Allan tried to download “More...

May 18, 2007

The Interpreter's Tale

Cover_2 The pickpockets of Barcelona are justly famed for their ability to extract whatever they want from anywhere; why are they sudde More...

April 18, 2007

Amazon Shorts

Update! “The Interpreter’s Tale is now available for More...

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