5 posts categorized "Tagging"

August 13, 2007

Mass Customization Example - FeedBlitz

FeedBlitz (a company I’ve invested in and am a board member of) enables mass customization (see More...

February 11, 2007

Web 2.0 is Stuck at a Local Optimum


December 28, 2006

Stumbled Upon


Or More...

October 31, 2006

FeedBlitz Version 2.0 – Reading Blogs in Email

Disclosure:  I am an investor in and a board member of FeedBlitz.


May 07, 2006

How Readers Find Blogs

There are five basic ways that readers find new blogs to read: recommendations by strangers aka social tagging services (see immediately below), recommendations from friends, recommendations by robots, links from other blo More...

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